TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Who are you to judge if he can or cannot afford them?
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Subject Who are you to judge if he can or cannot afford them?
Posted by Aqualung on May 10, 2012 at 5:49 PM
  This message has been viewed 377 times.
In Reply To ...cause cannot afford (n/m) posted by gnozahs on May 10, 2012 at 03:04 PM
Message Oh, a troll, that's who.


One company you should never buy from.

These are the people who help and support them. Do not sell anything to them.


BigTDogg(MA): You're a goddamn moron
(directed at jschrauwen)

LJZTT: "You have mental issues"
(directed at samsungZ/Obsession-Z)

CoHPhasor: "Zski's Z package for sale includes a 4,000lb *wench*?!
Holy crap! O,O
That's a big bi***!"

ZiNnYc: "I PCed my nuts"

BigTDogg(MA): "That car earns the owner a TON of trophies at shows I'm sure.
It'll also earn him one jab to the testicles if I ever meet him in person."

ZEngineer: "If I ever wreck my car, and some jerk-off pulls that overused retarded joke on me,
I'd release my frustration on him through an uppercut to the balls and say:
'Don't worry, a little bondo here and there and your balls will be like new again'."

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